Resources Hub

Resources Hub

Our Resources Hub includes eBooks, guides, articles, and more. No matter what industry you’re in, if you work in a research facility or laboratory, you can use the Resources Hub to grow your knowledge base.

    gloved hands juggling a beaker and two well plates


    In-depth articles covering the various methods and applications used in the life sciences to further scientific study and innovation.
    Highly relevant and valuable reports about the num…
    Grow your knowledge base. Features extensive guides to equipment leasing, leasing vs. traditional financing comparison charts, and more.
    Informative articles geared towards startup founders.

    Tips for Starting a Service- or Tool-Based Life Sciences Company

    How to Create a Product for the Life Sciences Many graduate, post-graduate, and postdoctoral scientists and researchers find themselves starting industry careers or founding a life science startup. As…

    How to Write a Business Plan for Your Life Sciences Startup

    首先,为什么写商业计划?你总是不ed a written business plan? Aren’t they a relic of the past? Keeping track of every part of your business in your head is an impossible task, an…

    Writing a Lean Plan for Your Life Sciences Startup

    Having a lean startup plan is an excellent way to understand exactly how your business will work, what market it will fit in, and how it will grow. Furthermore, if you’re seeking outside investors, it…

    A Simple Guide to Starting an R&D Company

    You’ll face many challenges as a Scientist-Entrepreneur In this article, we’ll discuss what it takes to found and finance a lab-based business requiring extensive research and development before…

    The Excedr Guide to CLIA Waivers: What They Are and How to Obtain Them

    What is a CLIA Certificate of Waiver? Did you know there are a total of 260,000 laboratory entities that are CLIA certified in the U.S? CLIA, an acronym for Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments,…

    The Quick and Essential Guide to CAP Accreditations

    What’s the Relation Between CAP and CLIA? CAP Accreditations and CLIA Certifications When labs are in compliance with CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments), it is validated with a CLIA cer…

    ISO 17034: What Is It & Why Is It Important?

    ISO 17034:2016 General Requirement for the Competence of Reference Material Producers As a laboratory scientist or researcher, you often work with reference materials for method calibration, validatio…

    GMP vs. GLP: What’s the Difference?

    Laboratory Testing Regulations: GMP vs. GLP Do you ask yourself before consuming any packaged food or medicine if they are safe for your health? As the average consumer, we might not always question t…

    ISO 15189 Accreditation: Overview & How to Obtain

    What is the ISO 15189 Accreditation? International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 15189 is an international standard for medical laboratories that is closely based on ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 900…

    ISO 17025 Accreditation: The Benefits and How to Obtain

    What is an ISO 17025 Accreditation? In 1999, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) developed and issued ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibra…
